Taking the Stress out of the Holidays

The holidays are often thought of as an enjoyable season filled with celebrations bringing family and friends together. Although that may be true, it has also been shown to be one of the most stressful times of the year. The high demands and expectations that the...

Pulmonary Hypertension

November is Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness of this condition in the hopes of producing earlier diagnosis, better treatment and even a cure. According to the Pulmonary Hypertension Association of Canada, approximately 5,000...

Northern Hearts Supports NOSM University students

Northern Hearts has created the Dr. Chris Lai Recognition Award in recognition of his significant contributions to improving cardiac health care in Northwestern Ontario over the last 30 years. The Dr. Chris Lai Recognition Award is intended to provide financial...

Diabetes and Your Heart

Diabetes is a risk factor for heart disease.   Approximately 3.6 million Canadians were living with diabetes from 2019 to 2020 and more than 200,000 new cases are diagnosed each year, according to Health Canada. Diabetes increases the risk of high blood pressure,...

World First Aid Day

First Responders have Heart To celebrate those providing first aid, the second Saturday in September of each year is World First Aid Day. This is an annual opportunity for everybody to promote and gain knowledge in first aid. Every year, the Red Cross and Red Crescent...

Dining for a Healthy Heart

The study of how our body is affected by the food we put in it has been an area of interest for scientists for hundreds of years. The nutrients we get from food help keep the cells in our bodies functioning properly. This means that our bodies need specific nutrients...