June is Seniors Month

The month of June is dedicated to celebrating all the hard work and contributions seniors have done to help build and improve communities across Ontario. Seniors have been a vital part f communities for many years. Throughout history seniors have acted as mentors for...

Volunteering is Good for the Heart

With National Volunteer week coming up soon, it’s the perfect time to think about the benefits of acts of kindness and giving back to the community. What exactly is an act of kindness? It can include any action, big or small, that is made in order to improve someone...

Rock with Doc

Over 100 people enjoyed an evening of rocking good music in support of Northern Hearts on Friday, April 5th at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch #5. The fun-filled night of socialization and dancing featured Mike and Misfits who entertained the crowd with a mix of...

Happy Heart Month

Did you know that February is heart month? Although February is most commonly known for Valentine’s day, it is also an important month for spreading awareness of heart health and what you can do to prevent heart disease. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of...

Heart Healthy Resolutions

  Did you know that New Year’s resolutions have been around for more than 4,000 years? They were first started by ancient Babylonians which used them as a way to celebrate the start of a new year, when fresh crops were planted in mid-March. Now New Year’s...

Taking the Stress out of the Holidays

The holidays are often thought of as an enjoyable season filled with celebrations bringing family and friends together. Although that may be true, it has also been shown to be one of the most stressful times of the year. The high demands and expectations that the...