Our Events

Across Northern Ontario, our aim is to reduce heart diseases by educating people


Healthy Heart Day

Healthy Heart Day is an event to help educate and support individuals concerned about heart disease in Thunder Bay. The initiative is a partnership between Northern Hearts, and the Thunder Bay 55 Plus Centre.

group of people eating diner at a restaurant

Dine with Doc

Dine with Doc is an entertaining and heart-warming evening of dining and cooking demonstrations by chefs from local restaurants as well as doctors from the medical community in Thunder Bay.

Group of people at a golf course with Mount MacKay in the background

Northern Hearts Charity Golf Event

The Northern Hearts Charity Golf Event is a social, recreational and physical exercise initiative designed to bring together individuals interested in supporting the mission and activities of Northern Hearts. With an emphasis on social interaction and fun, the event is intended to be an ideal way to reduce stress and limit its impact on cardiac disease.

Group of people walking on a trail

Walk with Doc

“Walk with doc” is a program that invites local physicians and organizations to host short, social walks in the evening to help build and maintain healthy and active lifestyles.

Doctor talking in front of a crowd of people

Talk with Doc

“Talk with Doc” is a lecture series that invites local doctors and medical professionals to give talks on their area of expertise to help educate the public on health related topics. 

Rock with Doc