Dine with Doc
Dining with your heart in mind is the focus of Northern Heart’s “Dine with Doc” event being held on Friday, September 22nd at the Chanterelle. Dine with Doc is an entertaining and heart-warming evening of dining and cooking demonstrations in support of Northern Hearts.
Local doctors will be assisting chef, Franco Masdea in preparation of a 4-course, heart-healthy dinner. Dr. A. Affleck, Dr. J. Del Paggio, Dr. M. Henderson, and Dr. A. Rohani will be donating their time to assist in the preparation of the dinner and Dr. C. Lai, co-founder of Northern Hearts, will discuss heart-healthy living.
The evening will include music by Danny Johnson as well as a complimentary scotch tasting.
Symposium 6:00pm Dinner 7:00 pm
Tickets are only available online. Deadline is Thursday, September 21. To register, visit https://northernhearts.org/dine-with-doc/
Cathy Eady, Chair of the Dine with Doc committee, talks about Dine with Doc with Fiona Gardner on Around Town.