Dine with Doc

Save the Date!

Friday, September 20th, 2024

Dine with Doc is an entertaining and heart-warming evening of dining and cooking demonstrations by chef, Franco Masdea from the Tomlin Restaurant assisted by local doctors, all in support of Northern Hearts.

Dine with Doc is returning to the Chanterelle on Friday, September 20th, 2024 with a Mediterranean heart-healthy theme.

Watch for further information to be coming soon.

Follow us on Facebook for updates:  NorthernHeartsThunderBay





Dine with Doc Recipes


30 Minute Healthy Chocolate Cake

For the cake:

1 cup sweet potato mashed

1 cup self rising flour

½ cup cocoa powder

¼ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon baking soda

3 eggs lightly whisked

1 teaspoon vanilla

½ cup olive oil

½ cup maple syrup

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Line the bottom of a 9” round cake pan and lightly coat the pan with cooking spray
  1. Pulse the cooked sweet potato in a food processor
  2. Combine the flour, cocoa powder, salt and baking soda in a medium bowl
  1. Add the eggs, vanilla, oil and maple syrup to the sweet potato and mix well. Add to the dry ingredients and mix until well combined
  1. Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan and bake for 18 minutes or until the top is just cooked and the centre is still a bit gooey
  2. Let cool for 10 minutes and turn out onto a cooling rack

For the frosting:

2 ripe avocados

½ cup cocoa powder

½ cup maple syrup

  1. Pulse the avocado, cocoa powder and maple syrup in a food processor until silky smooth. Once the cake is full cooled, spread the frosting thickly all over the top and sides.


Dill Pesto

Enjoy this simple pesto on a variety of pastas, potatoes and vegetables.

Equal parts of fresh dill and flat leaf parsley

Salt and pepper to taste

Good quality olive oil

  1. Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until desired consistency


Apple and Honey Mustard Vinaigrette 

½ litre Apple cider vinegar

1 litre Olive oil

2 cup Apple sauce

½ cup Honey Mustard

Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Place all ingredients into a container and emulsify using a stick blender



1 bunch Flat leaf parsley

1 pack fresh basil

1 shallot

3 mini sweet peppers

2 teaspoons capers

4 cloves of garlic

4 pepperoncini peppers

½ cup red wine vinegar

1 pinch dry chilli flakes

  1. Place all ingredients into a food processor and blend with olive oil till smooth
  1. Salt and pepper to taste


Quick Pickle 

1 litre water

½ litre rice wine vinegar

½ litre apple cider vinegar

2 tablespoons sugar

1 tablespoon salt

  1. Heat all ingredients until salt and sugar are dissolved
  2. Pour over carrots, shallots, cucumber or any other vegetable