Dr. Andrew Affleck, CCFP(EM) FIFEM and Board Member of Northern Hearts offered an informative presentation on aging and the impact it can have on the heart during a lunch and learn presentation at the Thunder Bay 55Plus Centre on Thursday, October 24, 2024.

Approximately 60 participants learned facts on aging and how it affects the body in general. Current demographic trends showed an increase in the aging population and how this aging could impact their heart. Dr. Affleck offered suggestions such as exercise, diet and control of concurrent diseases as methods to reduce the impact of aging and protect your heart health.

Dr. Affleck offered the following information in a handout offered to participants:

  • Aging is a dynamic normal process that varies from person to person and results in a gradual decrease in physical and mental function
  • Aging is NOT a “disease” and is dependent on internal and external influences/changes
  • Aging = 1/3 physiological change + 1/3 disease + 1/3 disuse
  • Aging of the heart affects:
    • The heart’s function(pumping) with heart failure and valve problems
    • Beating/rhythm of the heart (heart “blocks” and need for pacemaker)
    • Blood supply (heart attack /“myocardial infarction”)
  • What can you do to help your heart (“decelerate the effects of aging”)
    • Exercise
    • Watch your diet (salt, fats, sugar)
    • Control concurrent diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol) and take medications as prescribed
    • See your primary care provider regularly and ALWAYS have them listen to your heart for “heart murmurs”